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Birth of a new news media — the Killer Application for YouTube?
This is fascinating — want to witness the birth of a new news media phenomenon? Check this out:
Just some guy (Steve Lookner), sitting in front of a webcam, reading and commenting on various incoming streams of current events — both live and recorded sessions (live ones usually at night).

Weird, huh? But fascinating! I can’t stop going back here and seeing what’s up.
It’s on YouTube, so it’s got the standard YouTube formatting, with comment panels, live texting (on the live feeds), etc. Called Agenda-Free TV — this guy may be like the Matt Drudge of YouTube…
It might be a little constrained, seeing as how Lookner is the only guy on the channel, curating topics that obviously he feels need attention, but you can’t blame him for that!
Imagine a news organization who’s entire front end is solely through YouTube’s scrolling panels and talking heads, in both real-time and in recorded content, covering a vast number of news stories and subjects. What a far more robust news curation organization that would be, compared to the “serial” processing of your normal TV news network!